Claire Fernanda
4 min readJan 5, 2021


Are Black Americans long overdue for reparations? Or should we put that on the back burner for now? What if the answer is yes to both. What if it comes down to acceptable definitions of reparations and entitlements? Aren’t we all “entitled” to something? The average American is entitled to the benefits he accumulated over 50-plus years of working. And the rich are entitled to call those bennies entitlements. The rich are are also entitled to deny entitlements to the poor. Disconcerting, isn’t it? That’s partly because the system as it now stands, is a giant and…



Claire Fernanda

Corrector of the Overlooked. Grammarian , writer and proofreader. I hope to be rewarded posthumously, and by deductive reasoning, that’s not very far away.